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James Shackelford, APR
Head of Global Communications and Content
James Shackelford, APR is head of global communications and content for Aon’s Digital Client Solutions business. He is responsible for ensuring all communications reflect the firm's core values and drive business strategy for digital client solutions. James leads public relations, media relations, internal communications & colleague engagement, executive communications, issues management, corporate messaging, thought leadership, events, social media and content. Prior to joining Aon, Shackelford served as chief executive officer of SomaComm, a public relations, marketing and creative consultancy that served Walmart, Sam’s Club, Honeywell, UNICEF, Be The Match, AARP, Salesforce, Microsoft and others. He currently serves on the board of directors of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) and the American Classical Orchestra and on the advisory board of the St. John’s University Public Relations Program. He is also a member of the National Press Club of D.C., the Chartered Institute for Public Relations (United Kingdom), the Institute of Internal Communication and the World Communications Forum Association Davos.