AI Certificate Course – Week 1: Strategy and Tools

Setting Yourself Up for Success: What’s New and Getting Started

AI is moving fast. Keep up and enhance your skills by learning how to use the latest features of the best generative AI tools for communication and content creation. We’ll arm you with the strategies, prompts and methods you’ll need to transform AI into your content partner and greatest competitive advantage. You’ll learn:

  • What’s new: Where we are in the AI hype bubble, the top generative AI trends of 2024—and how recent executive orders and around AI impact you and your job.
  • Platform updates: The latest AI launches and how to act on them—from Google’s Gemini launch to Amazon’s Q and beyond.
  • How to determine which AI tools are best for your organization and audience.
  • Anatomy of successful AI prompts: Formulas and prompt cheats you can apply today.
  • Customizing AI: A step-by-step guide to train AI with your org’s foundational assets and target personas.
  • Jennifer Clemente
    Manager of Communications
    D-Wave Quantum
  • Jessica Hreha
    Head of Marketing AI Strategy & Transformation
  • Brad Taylor
    Answer AI and Last Rev