Nikki Hopewell (she/her)
Senior Communications Strategist for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Rush University System for Health
Adib Abrahim
Director of digital and creative communications
American Airlines
Jason Abrams
Public Relations Manager
Lucy Abreu
Senior Vice President
Syneos Health Communications
Alsy Acevedo
Senior media specialist
Johns Hopkins Medicine
Sonia Acosta
Director of Brand Content
Girl Scouts of the USA
Taylor Adams
Manager of Workplace Mental Health
Mental Health America
Brooke Adams
Executive Communications Manager
University of Utah
Angela Adams
Chief Communications and Diversity Officer
Goodwill Industries of Southeastern Wisconsin, Inc
Jason Adams
Head of Stories & Storytelling Tools
Bennett Adelman
Vice President of Marketing Communications

Power Home Remodeling Group

Adu Adu
Global Head Of Social, Creator & Culture
Alicia C. Aebersold
Chief Communications Officer
American Psychological Association
Brian Agler
West Wing Writers
Kelly Ahern
Digital marketing and social media specialist
Cape Cod Healthcare
Sumreen Ahmad
Global Change Management Lead
Aida Ahmed
Lead Social and Paid Media Strategist
Golda Akhgarnia
Director of internal communications
, Director of diversity and inclusion
Jack in the Box
Gaetan Akinrolabu
Director of Corporate Marketing and Digital Media – Strategy, Channels & Content - Corporate Affairs
Mirati Therapeutics
Stephane Aknin
Vice President, Creative & Content
Prudential Financial
Bradley Akubuiro
Bully Pulpit Interactive
Yasmeen Sami Alamiri
Senior Editor for Video and Special Projects
PBS NewsHour
Tim Albaugh
Professor of screenwriting
Amy Alcala
Director, Global Internal Operations Communications
Angie Aldape
Director of Blog and Social Operations