Reimagine Your Company’s Onboarding

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Most companies pull out all the stops to build their employer brands. They want to bring in the best talent and deliver an employee experience that keeps new hires engaged. But what happens in between the offer signing and full integration into employee life? Most companies are still stuck in a “put you in the pool and see if you can paddle” mentality about on-boarding. Death-by-PowerPoint new-hire orientations are common. Total chaos is the rule in delivering essentials to new hires: a computer, access and workspace to hit the ground running on Day One. Salesforce has spent the last two years reimagining on-boarding.

Key Takeaways:

  • Not one but two full days of orientation and culture immersion
  • A full year New-Hire Success Email Journey
  • A New-Hire Success Community
  • A mobile Employee Service App
  • Aloha Ambassador Network
  • Theresa Ludvigson
    VP, Global Onboarding and Loyalty Programs