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Look no further than the challenges of the last few years and it’s clear that any sort of crisis can have a significant impact on employee wellbeing and performance—whether it’s an internal or external issue. As the landscape of employee comms continues to evolve, leaders must utilize internal messaging tools and intranets to address any crisis-induced challenges, support their employees and foster resilience no matter what issues or transformations arise. Join this session to learn:
- The adversity and hurdles employees may encounter during crises or potentially disruptive change — from economic uncertainty and supply chain issues to organizational transformations.
- Internal crowdsourcing tools and tactics to foster open communication, provide resources and build a culture of support and resilience in the face of potentially disruptive change.
- New methods for conducting employee surveys and establishing meaningful outreach initiatives to support employees during times of crisis or change.
- Translating employee feedback and concerns into actionable insights so leaders can take proactive steps to mitigate the impact of crises or “moments that matter” and promote resilience.