Changing the Game: Crisis Communications in a Complex World

With wars raging on the global stage, economic uncertainty and an increasingly fraught political landscape, many communicators are up against challenges they have never faced before. In this panel, members of Ragan’s 2023 class of Game Changers — award-winning communications leaders hailing from diverse industries — will share invaluable insights and strategies on how to navigate communications challenges during crises, that directly impact an organization’s internal and external stakeholders.

  • Global crisis management: Discover strategies for responding to international incidents, handling media scrutiny and maintaining public trust during challenging times.
  • Employee and stakeholder engagement: Uncover techniques to maintain internal morale and external relationships, even in the face of adversity.
  • Channels, tools and tactics: Find out where and how audiences expect to hear from organizations during times of upheaval.
  • Lessons from the field: Learn how to adapt crisis communication strategies that support employees, guide executives through harrowing events and protect your organization’s image.
  • Veleisa Patton Burrell
    Senior Director, Public Relations & Crisis
    Denny's Corporation
  • Kelly Williamson
    President, North America
    APCO Worldwide
  • Halley Knigge
    Director of Communications