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When it comes to measuring comms efforts, the question is no longer about “if.” It’s about “how” and “how much.” One of the biggest obstacles, though, seems to be time. According to Ragan’s 2022 Communications Benchmark Report, 58% of industry pros cite LACK OF TIME as their biggest obstacle. Point blank: this isn’t acceptable. You must make the time for this table-stakes requirement for the communicator of tomorrow. To help you solve this challenge, we bring together leading minds to discuss:
- Whether daily, weekly, or monthly, mapping out a schedule to build in time for efficient, effective measurement activity
- The latest tools and tactics that are helping communicator measure in a way that both boosts the brand and their own discipline’s status with the C-suite
- How to develop new KPIs that address real business needs and how to measure them with a balance of quantitate and qualitative data that gets the C-suite’s attention