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Mark Twain once penned a letter to a newspaper reporter who inquired about reports that Twain was on death’s doorstep; in his response to the journalist, Twain wrote, “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.” In today’s corporate world, press releases have been assigned to the trash heap as some sort of communications relic that no longer matters. Join this discussion to find out how wrong those naysayers are. We’ll touch on:
- The art of storytelling: Throughout human history, there has been one constant that hasn’t changed…storytelling. From cave drawings to digital news sites, storytelling is something we all share, regardless of age, geography and education.
- The only changes to our storytelling are what we’re communicating, how we’re communicating, who we’re telling our stories to, and where we are sharing our stories.
- The surprising strategic value of press releases as a messaging hub beyond “media” relations (plus how your news and online newsroom helps internal alignment, hiring, retention and more).
- Crafting a great press release has never been easier, or more interactive; all companies need to do is follow a tried-and-true, step-by-step formula that will increase the chances of your stories to be seen and heard.