As newsrooms continue to shrink, PR pros looking to use earned media to drive narratives and project messages are facing unprecedented challenges — and some newfound opportunities. Toss aside your old and tired ways of pitching if you want to stand out, and instead embrace new best practices that emphasize authenticity, human-driven storytelling and fresh perspectives. Nick Lanyi, Media Relations and Crisis Communications Expert for Ragan Consulting Group, will show you how to uncover enticing news hooks and think more like the reporter you’re pitching to land coverage. He’ll also cover what not to do, so you can strengthen your relationships and credibility.
You’ll learn:
- How to craft compelling story angles that help you stand out in a chaotic, 24/7 news cycle
- Ways to pitch and respond to reporter requests during crises that can help you get ahead of quickly moving narratives
- The very best types of pitches and other secrets that can spark response, instead of radio silence
- Important reminders that can help you build relationships with reporters before, during and after your pitching efforts