Boosting Wellbeing with a Player-Coach Approach to Manager Communications

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The 2024 Edelman Trust Barometer found that most people (74%) trust peers and scientists to drive innovation over businesses, CEOs and government leaders. This creates a tremendous opportunity for managers who can build a player-coach relationship with their direct reports to empower their teams to become high-performers. We’ll close out the first day with a look at how communicators can ensure they’re meeting performance expectations and nurturing an innovative, inclusive team at the same time.

We’ll explore:

  • High hallmarks: The core elements of high-performance coaching, including cross-functional collaboration and leadership buy-in, and how they reshape management techniques for better employee wellbeing.
  • Defining dynamics: Active listening strategies for building a communication foundation with direct reports based on respect and clear workflow collaboration expectations.
  • Bringing Balance: How to balance productivity expectations with wellness coaching to create an experiential value add.
  • Pushing back: Productive tactics for challenging the assumptions of a manager’s leader with a positive mindset
  • Danielle Montana
  • Janella Escobar
    Communications + Brand Leader, Southeast
    DPR Construction