Fostering Feedback: Formats for Constructive Conversations

When the world changed in 2020, we were forced to change with it and pivot our approach from always needing to have an answer to learning how to ask the right questions and, most importantly, listen to our people. In this session, we’ll look at the strategies for surveys, active listening and other tried and true ways to collect employee feedback with a focus on what to do when engagement falls flat.

You’ll learn:

  • Strategies for launching pulse surveys with the optimal cadence and length to keep engagement high.
  • Tips for preparing people managers to hear individual employee concerns and escalate feedback when appropriate.
  • Strategies for moderating difficult conversations around interpersonal conflicts, personal struggles and more that build trust and create a sense of belonging.
  • Considerations for employee resource groups that give participants a voice and communication channel with executive support.
  • Adeta Gayah
    Director of social media strategy
    Visit Orlando
  • Shannon Iwaniuk
    Director, Internal Communications
  • Sara Whitman
    Chief People Officer
    Hot Paper Lantern
  • Justin Joffe
    Editorial Director and Editor-in-Chief
    Ragan Communications