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PR, marketing and social media teams are constantly challenged to “do more with less.” Whether it’s reaching more media outlets, finding more freelancers, publishing to more social channels or satisfying more internal stakeholders. Yet it all comes down to the same idea: Creating and sharing content that best engages your target audience. Jake Jacobson, Sr. Manager of Public Relations at Children’s Mercy Kansas City, will illustrate how teams of all sizes can use collaboration and creativity to give their content new life.
Session Highlights:
- How digital brand journalism can maximize (and create new) media coverage
- How a cycle of content—creating, pitching, amplifying—can create multiple entry points for audiences and more opportunities to catch a journalist’s eye
- The importance of dotted lines, delegates and deputies in your organization
- How to find the best mix of channels, messages and appeals to achieve your brand’s various strategic goals
- How PR, marketing, social media and even community engagement can be complementary efforts instead of a tug-of-war