Let’s Talk Manager Comms Solutions: Real-World Fixes to Top Challenges

Achieving clarity, consensus and collaboration is critical for successful manager comms — but it can be difficult in the era of remote work to get managers aligned as conduits for your employee comms strategy. This session cuts through it all by taking an honest look at the most common obstacles managers face when cascading your messages and initiatives. Our panelists will provide their hard-won solutions for handling top roadblocks—while opening the floor to your biggest pain points and remedies. Come ready to share the bad—and the good! We’ll cover:

  • Misinterpretation vs clarity: How others are providing managers with clear, concise guidance so they can convey complex info.
  • Silos vs collaboration: Innovative ways to collaborate with HR, line managersand other departments to communicate more effectively with a hybrid workforce.
  • Hi-tech vs hi-touch: How others are balancing email, videoconferencing, collaboration suites, IM, enterprise social media and intranets with town halls, in-person meetings and informal talks to combat information overload and break through to busy managers and their staff.
  • Cultural vs generational differences: How to help managers become more adaptable and sensitive to diverse workplaces.
  • Resistance to change vs adaptability: How others are empowering managers to assist with change communications—including providing managers with the reasons and benefits behind any change.
  • Process vs people: How others are working across the manager comms cascade to codify comms needs, initiatives and workflows that everyone can get behind.
  • Isis Simpson-Mersha
    Reporter/Conference Producer
    Ragan Communications
  • David Perry
    Digital Marketing Consultant
  • Carly Keeny
    Executive Director of Communications, Technology, Product and Experience
  • Kristin Hoose
    Senior Director, External Constituent Communications
    The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society