Ragan Training
Learn from experts. Improve your skills.
Grow in your career.
Gain access to the industry’s most comprehensive online training platform for all-things communications and PR offering courses, how-to sessions, panel discussions, presentations, and resources.

Keep your knowledge current and your skills on the leading edge.
Ragan Training brings you industry experts from leading brands who share their expertise, practices and initiatives that are driving success. With a library of over 1,500 training videos and resources, organized by 12 core areas of interest, you’ll keep current with the latest practices in comms – so you can perform better at your job and meet your career and business objectives.

Sessions, Presentations & Panels
Gain access to recorded sessions from Ragan’s numerous training events offered throughout the year. These include presentations and panel discussions from conferences, boot camps, workshops, courses and webinars.
Member Trainings & Networking
Hear from guest presenters and join your peers to discuss the latest challenges and hot button issues affecting your job at these member-only virtual meetings. Guest speakers, Q&A, and breakout rooms are part of the mix. Offered quarterly.

Quick Learning, How-To Videos
You’re busy. But always in need of ideas and training. Ragan’s quick explainer, short, and how-to videos will give you ideas in 15 minutes or less! Topics cover a wide range from writing and social media to measurement and employee comms.
Resources, Guides & Extras
Get resources, tips, checklists and handouts from our various conferences and virtual programs. These added resources will give you further insights into your ever-changing industry.

Ragan Training will help you learn, grow and succeed in your career — in a cost-effective and convenient way.
A membership in Ragan Training gives you access to all we offer for a minimal annual fee. Pick and choose your topics, sessions or speakers—and enjoy the latest training whenever and wherever you want. Get the training you need in communications, public relations, human resources and marketing.
For group, nonprofit and government rates, please contact:
Carol Brault at carolb@ragan.com or 312-960-4602