How to Communicate with Deskless and Dispersed Workforces

Cultivating a culture of collaboration and real-time communication requires understanding where the needs of employees and the business intersect — easier said than done when attempting to engage deskless, remote and global workers. In this panel, a trio of employee communications leaders will share how they engage dispersed workforces across great distances by customizing their strategies and tech to recognize and enhance each group’s employee experience. We’ll discuss:

  • Connectivity challenges: How to audit, assess and act on barriers to reaching employees with limited internet access, restricted email usage or who aren’t connected via mobile.
  • Traditional + tech toolbox: Innovative ways to integrate flyers, posters, bulletin boards and digital signage with mobile apps, IM platforms and intranets to close comms gaps.
  • Scheduling touchpoints: Engaging employees with town halls, weekly meetings and regularly scheduled check-ins to make sure information is being delivered.
  • Training for managers: How to give managers and site leads the tools and skills they need to ID and re-engage employees who are culturally disconnected or unplugged.
  • Communicating purpose: Strategies for educating dispersed employees on the importance of company-wide purpose commitments, including DE&I and ESG.
  • Galit Mendelson
    Director of Internal Communications
  • Evan Helmlinger
    Senior Manager, Advisory Services, Workplace Experience
  • Jennifer George
    Vice President of Communications and Public Relations
  • Hillary U
    Director of Employee Communications & Experience
    Rivian Automotive