A boring town hall misses the opportunity to communicate vital business strategies to on-the-ground teams who have great questions and feedback (if they're still awake).
Make your town hall the must-go-to employee event. You can even beat your holiday party!
Join Alison Pase, VP, internal communications from global edtech powerhouse Cengage Learning, to find out practical, cost-effective ways to reinvent the content, format and measurement of your next town hall.
Result: Execs eager to do another one! Employees who value the time spent. You'll drive business goals, build company culture and execute a perfect manned Mars landing. OK, maybe not that last one. But definitely the other two.
You will also learn:
- How make your meeting a comfortable, collaborative place for employees to share ideas
- Why the room configuration must match the message—and what it may cost
- How to increase message retention: methods to capture the attention of employees
- Tips for how to measure and prove the meeting's effectiveness for your C-suite