In this keynote presentation, Melinda Emerson, CEO of the Quintessence Group, will address engaging external influencers and empowering employee influencers to demonstrate small marketing teams can get in on influencer marketing even with small budgets.
Melinda Emerson
Quintessence Group
Melinda Emerson is an internationally renowned keynote speaker on small business development, social media selling and marketing strategy. A social media influencer and CEO of Quintessence Group, her marketing consulting firm serves Fortune 500 brands that target the small business market. She has an online school to teach online marketing skills to business owners and has published more than 5,000 articles on business success strategies on her blog Her advice is widely read, reaching more than 3 million entrepreneurs each week online. She hosts The Smallbizchat Podcast and is the bestselling author of Become Your Own Boss in 12 Months, and Fix Your Business, a 90 Day Plan to Get Back Your Life and Reduce Chaos in Your Business. In addition to being a former New York Times columnist, she is frequently quoted by media organizations including The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Forbes, Fortune, USA Today, MSNBC, CNBC, ABC News, Entrepreneur, Inc., Essence and Black Enterprise. HubSpot named her one of the top business coaches in America. LinkedIn named her a Top Voice for Small Business and Entrepreneurship. Forbes magazine named her the #1 woman for entrepreneurs to follow on Twitter.