Especially as more people watch organizations’ actions with their employees through COVID-19 and beyond, “mixternal” strategies and content—which combines elements of employee engagement with external communications best practices—can help you establish trust and loyalty among internal and external stakeholders. Yolande Morris, Director of Enterprise Multimedia Content and Colleague Engagement at Pfizer, will share how she’s helping to transform dry and boring corporate content into inspiring and engaging stories shared internally, helping to bridge the gap between external and internal communications. She’ll also share how these efforts are helping Pfizer to redefine internal content and the employee communications function, for ultimate success that shows from intranet activity to positive brand sentiment and increased headlines.
You’ll learn:
- How to align your efforts across departments and your organization
- How to tell transparent, compelling stories and craft engaging content for both internal and external audiences
- Ways to encourage and support employees in becoming brand advocates and spokespeople for your organization
- How to connect your leaders to employees, consumers and more to increase trust and amplify expert voices