The Path Forward: Unifying Your Dispersed and Global Workforce

Creating a workplace culture of community requires a multichannel strategy with buy-in from all divisions and even global offices. With a robust cross-departmental approach, the result can be a thriving culture that keeps employees informed, connected, involved and productive. In this session, you’ll learn about:

  • Reaching every employee: Digital platforms and tactics to connect hourly or international workers.
  • Watercoolers, intranets and more: Creating a story-filled content plan to engage, retain and inspire your best talent.
  • The employee journey: Employee personas and mapping methods to strengthen culture and company pride at every step of an employee’s lifecycle.
  • What’s Next: New wellbeing strategies for countering burnout, demonstrating care beyond compensation and building a more resilient and readied workforce.
  • Makini Nyanteh
    SVP, Chief Communications Officer
    American Institutes for Research (AIR)