The Evolution of Employee Engagement: Communicating to a Hybrid Workforce

Employee engagement is now taking center stage as many organizations have moved to distributed workforce models. As a result, you must use real-time engagement strategies and internal messaging tools to gauge everything from employee mental health and employee well-being. While listening and monitoring for holes in your culture require an understanding that employees are most productive when they feel heard, your style of communication must be nimble enough to change depending on your workforce model and individual employee needs.

You’ll learn:

  • New strategies for conducting periodic listening surveys and outreach to ensure every employee is heard
  • Ways to communicate expectations around who can stay remote and who must come into the office
  • Inclusive hiring practices that ensure you are attracting candidates from a diverse talent pool
  • Greg Stortz
    Director of Engagement
  • Anthony Bolton
    Senior Manager of Employee Communications and Events
    Gulfstream Aerospace
  • Sarah Plaster
    Director, Organizational Communications