Taking Employee Advocacy to the Next Level with CDW

Social media and influencer marketing don’t operate in a silo — they’re essential components to your overall PESO communications and media mix. Join to hear how one organization’s PR and social media teams learned to play in the same social media sandbox to build trust and engagement with their various audiences. In this session Katrina Najm, social media lead at CDW will share the 101’s of launching and maintaining an employee advocacy platform, with examples of what’s working with their people-focused teams, including:

• The importance of getting leadership involved and helping them move from a click-per-view mentality to a more people-focused KPI
• How to move toward a targeted approach, with curated content focused on core groups that can then boost and share your message more effectively
• Showing the value of opting-in
• Building a hybrid between media relations and advocacy (Blur the lines between internal and external)
• And why it all comes back to data to help focus content and boost engagement

  • Margaret Trietsch
    Strategy Director
  • Katrina Najm
    Social Media Lead