Social Media Video Tactics That Engage Stakeholders

If a picture’s worth a thousand words, then a video must be priceless. While ‘pivot to video’ was a running joke before March 2020, the always online audience of today possesses a diminishing attention span that can best be captured with a holistic, intentional video strategy. This session spells out real-world videographer tactics and proven secrets of success that you can plug into your social media strategy now to boost reach and results on any channel:

You’ll learn:

  • Software tips for going live quickly with broadcasts that are low lift and high quality
  • On-camera design and branding considerations to make your spokespeople stand out
  • Quick tech recs and shooting tips for getting the most out of your equipment
  • The director’s seat: Advice for on-air talent, including speech and style tips
  • Approaches to repurposing video content to get the most mileage from your efforts