The internal communications and employee experience landscape is evolving rapidly, driven by technological advancements, changing work dynamics and a focus on employee wellbeing. As an internal comms leader, how do you balance the evolution of the workplace with the current day-to-day requirements of your job?
Join us on March 12 for this FREE webinar where internal communications veteran Carolyn Clark, vice president of Corporate Marketing & Internal Communications at Simpplr will help you plan for success with internal comms and employee experience in 2024 — while incorporating the latest trends. You’ll learn:
- How to do more with less, including the trends and tricks for leveraging AI in your workflow.
- The importance of reporting and how to measure success.
- Cutting-edge dos and don’ts in internal comms, including where to focus energy — and what to skip.
- And much more …
Bonus Takeaway:
- IC Leaders Share Lessons for Overcoming Communication Barriers eBook.