Thanks to the WFH shift, work is more digital now. That also means employees are more overwhelmed with emails and Intranet updates. In fact, nearly 150 emails hit our inboxes each day. Beat click fatigue and level up your traditional channels by integrating them more fully—and populating them with must-read content. You’ll learn:
- The Kitten Phenomenon: How data drove a shift to graphical, fun employee emails
- Examples of employee email newsletters that work—and don’t
- How return-to-workplace has changed employee expectations about Intranets
- How to counter click fatigue using an Email + Slack + Intranet flywheel (with 65% open rates)
- Examples of e-card content that drives employee engagement (on any channel)
- Sample metrics to give you 360-degree view of employee engagement
- Beyond emails/intranets: How to craft more engaging BlueJeans broadcasts