How to Reclaim (and Reboot) Your Company Culture

After COVID, economic upheaval, hybrid work, and polarizing social issues, it’s time to take a deep dive into your organization’s culture and see what’s still there. Join this hands-on workshop with Ragan Consulting’s Culture Group Leader Kristin Graham and turn culture concepts into real-time actions for your organization. This isn’t a conversation where we admire the problem of culture disconnect; it’s a dig-in and design actionable ideas to bring back to your team. Work with your fellow workshop participants to:

  • Outline a culture “audit” to assess what still works and what’s missing.
  • Explore the benefits of “spot-boarding” to help specific groups in need and “off-boarding” to maintain ties with outgoing talent.
  • Develop get-started steps for your culture strategy, including how to influence and advise internal decision makers.
  • Have hands-on work time to define and refine the ideas, tools and desired outcomes.
  • Kristin Graham
    Comms Leader & Facilitator
    Unlock the Brain