How to Humblebrag: Internal Reviews, LinkedIn and Beyond

When your annual review arrives, it’s not enough to be armed with a list of your accomplishments. It’s also about presenting them strategically to plan for your career growth. Join this lightning session and  learn the essential bragging skills to empower your professional journey. Practical insights include:

  • Internal reviews that shine: Learn how to structure your self-evaluation effectively, quantify your achievements for maximum impact and aligning your performance with organizational goals and values.
  • LinkedIn personal branding mastery: Build a compelling LinkedIn profile that captures your professional essence and learn the secrets of crafting an attention-grabbing headline and summary, powerful endorsements, and more.
  • The art of humblebragging: There’s a fine line between self-promotion and humility; learn how to tastefully and effectively highlight your accomplishments in conversations and written communications.
  • Kristin Graham
    Comms Leader & Facilitator
    Unlock the Brain