If you’re trying to convince leadership that it’s time to shift to more modern ways of working and communicating internally, you know it would be easier to climb Mount Everest while holding your breath. For many leaders, adding emotion to the equation, letting employees in on the hard stuff, and allowing them to collaborate openly throughout the workday are terrifying. What if someone says something negative? What if new product ideas pop up in the middle of discussion threads instead of proper channels? What if employees spend hours each month just getting to know one another? Here’s the bigger question: What if they don’t? Becky Graebe, senior communications manager at SAS, will guide you in addressing the considerations you and your leaders should be talking about as you modernize internal communications—including ones that rarely make the agenda but can change the minds of the C-suite.
Key Takeaways:
- Turn the tables on current conversations and help decision-makers view communication through the lens of organizational values
- Let your long-term, strategic thinking demonstrate how open communications will attract the best and brightest
- Guide leaders to imagine the potential of innovation from all over the company landing in a collaborative space (and what happens when it doesn’t)
- Talk up modernized communications as a solution for company problems, not an added layer of complexity, cost or risk