Find your leadership voice on social media: Secrets of posts, pages and profiles that POP!

Copy-and-paste is anathema to great social media posts — and content marketing in general. Yet many companies still repurpose, recycle or repost the same copy across their social media feeds — a sure recipe for diminished returns. Join this session to reassess and revamp the way you plan, pen and post your social media. You’ll learn:

  • The “3 Ts” of Timeliness, Transparency, and being True to self  in executive messaging and presentation
  • The role high-vis leaders play in overall social strategy and the value they bring to the social landscape
  • How to support leaders getting started or be more active on social media
  • Writing nuts-and-bolts: How to attract eyeballs, engage followers and drive clicks
  • How to apply these lessons and writing insight to all your communications
  • Sheila Fortson
    Director of Social Media & Communications
    National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI)