Brand journalism and storytelling are more than just buzzwords. When used properly, it can drive communications efforts, increase engagement, strengthen your brand and more. As quarantines and self-isolation continues to keep people physically apart, storytelling and brand journalism can also help your audience not feel so alone. Michael Kaye, Global Communications Manager at OKCupid, will share how the dating platform is shifting its focus to help its members how the dating platform is shifting its focus to help its daters connect digitally and virtually, revealing changing consumer trends and increased engagement. Learn storytelling and data-gathering best practices, along with ways to cater to both reporters and customers, even as COVID-19 dominates headlines and social media conversation.
You’ll learn:
- Ways data and insights can raise the storytelling bar—and provide insights on how consumers are responding to the crisis
- Why personalization is crucial to landing your story—along with ways to address concerns and offer inspiration
- Tools and tips to uncover stories, understand what the data is telling you and flex your storytelling skills
- How to adjust your messages and content across channels to respond to COVID-19 and prepare for the “new normal”