Big ideas are cutting through the clutter in our digital world today—but are they coming from communicators? Let’s face it: PR has learned a thing or two from advertising and marketing, but we have to keep evolving if we’re to maintain—and gain—a competitive edge in the future. Join this inspiring, informative keynote with professor Joseph Ogden to learn the techniques behind the very best PR campaigns today. Each technique taps numerous social and traditional channels to deliver its message; all are highly innovative, data driven and very focused. He’ll share how campaign strategy has evolved, the secret elements of successful PR campaigns and how to develop your own big ideas for a greater competitive edge in the future. You’ll also discover how to tap into the creativity hiding in plain site within your organization.
Key Highlights:
- How PR campaigns have evolved and where they’re going
- The latest techniques for idea creation—and how to use them
- The three magical components that make up a “big idea”
- Secrets of some of the best PR campaigns in recent memory
- Techniques to make your ideas fly—even in turbulent weather