AI Certificate Course for Communicators & Marketers – Week 1

Marketing and Comms Magic: Elevating Communications and Audience Engagement with AI

AI can dramatically enhance your communications capabilities, freeing you up to maximize your time on creative ideation and innovation. In this workshop, we’ll take a top-level journey into the world of advanced AI strategies used for generating writing and images for different types of marketing and communications content. Communicators and marketers will learn how ChatGPT “thinks,” and how to engage with this and other conversational AI tools to craft compelling marketing copy, social media posts, email newsletters, website content and more that resonate with diverse audiences and drive tangible results.  This workshop will cover:

  • Strategic insights: How to use AI as a building block for strategy, differentiate your messaging with customization and strike a balance between authenticity and automation in brand storytelling.
  • Generating tailored messaging: How to leverage the power of GAI to develop strategic messaging that resonates with specific audience segments, both internal and external.
  • Examples and inspiration: Real-world case studies of successful AI-driven marketing campaigns and their impact on audience engagement.
  • Exploring the possibilities: Practical applications through workshops on generating captivating blog posts, newsletters, social media updates, and website copy using the best writing prompts.
  • SEO and conversational AI: Discovering whether ChatGPT and Bard could impact Google Search and how to incorporate AI to level up your SEO game.


  • Stephanie Nivinskus
    SizzleForce Marketing
  • Julia McCoy
    President, Founder, Author
    Content at Scale, Content Hacker