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Clubhouse and competitors helped usher in—and tap into—the public’s need for unfiltered conversation during the pandemic. While social audio’s popularity has waned these past few months, it’s still a rising force in social media—and still poses fresh opportunities for brands looking to build deeper relationships with fans and followers. Join to hear what’s next for social audio, why it has changed digital marketing skills forever—and whether you should invest precious resources in it now:
- Fad vs Future: What Spotify’s Green Room acquisition, Clubhouse’s new DM feature Backchannel and Amazon’s steps into the space say about social audio
- New habits developed by fans and followers during the pandemic—and how to adjust to keep pace
- Ideas to borrow: Examples of cool brand activations on Clubhouse and its competitors
- How Clubhouse has enabled greater inclusion—and what this means to DEI
- Advice for working with influencers in social audio and beyond (including pricing)
- What’s next for social audio—plus practical tips for launching your own presence