The Future is Unwritten: Writing Skills and Strategies for Tomorrow’s Communicator

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In last year’s Ragan/HarrisX CEO-Communicators Competencies Survey, communications leaders said that writing was the skill they value most in their direct reports, underscoring the need to sharpen the proverbial pencil. In this interactive workshop, our experts will guide you through exercises that focus on:

  • Approaches to writing with a brand voice that fits the needs and preferred style of your audience
  • Tips for writing concisely about technical, convoluted or dense topics
  • Writing across platforms, from Twitter to your intranet, and how to edit your own writing
  • How to build better relationships with digital and audience development teams by championing SEO writing best practices across the organization
  • Meredith Klein
    Director, Consumer & Product Communications
  • Jim Ylisela
    Co-Founder and Senior Partner
    Ragan Consulting Group
  • Laura Brusca
    SVP, Corporate Communications