In today’s rapidly evolving workplace, the C-suite is realizing that attracting and retaining top talent is just as important as attracting and retaining customers. The result? More internal comms leaders are adopting marketing strategies to better connect with their audience. Join this practical session for a peek into a marketer’s mind and methods to help you create more personalized, targeted internal communications (and better results). You’ll learn:
- Employee Personas FAQ: How to create employee personas that enable you to understand your audience’s needs, wants and motivations.
- Employee Journey Anatomy: How to map your employee journey to identify key touchpoints and optimize your communication strategy at each stage.
- High Tech, High Touch; The latest personalized tech solutions that can help you deliver more targeted messages that resonate more with employees.
- Finding True North: How to align your employee comms with your organization’s brand and values to create a consistent and compelling employee experience.
- Next Steps: Actionable strategies and tactics you can take with you to boost employee engagement, retention and advocacy through marketing-inspired comms.