RX for a Successful Return to Office: Communication-Centric Strategies

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As offices shift from working from home to hybrid and fully in office, communicators are relied on to deliver meaningful, strategic communications that excite employees while informing them. An effective return-to-office (RTO) strategy is not just about logistics; it’s about meaningful, strategic communications that align with your Employee Value Proposition (EVP). In this case study, you’ll learn how one company successfully messaged a RTO plan, including the critical role of communication methods, messaging from the C-suite, and the company’s EVP. You’ll learn:

  • EVP alignment in RTO: How to ensure your RTO strategy effectively conveys the logistics of the RTO, reinforces the benefits and highlights the advantages of the office — all while keeping employees informed and engaged.
  • C-Suite messaging: Techniques for crafting impactful RTO messages from the C-suite, ensuring leadership communication is clear, inspiring, and aligned with company values.
  • Optimizing communications channels: How to tailor communications for all your platforms, including town halls for interactive discussions, intranets for centralized information and updates, and video calls for team-level comms.
  • Feedback loops and dialogue channels: Creating platforms for two-way communication, allowing employees to voice concerns and provide feedback — and how to use feedback to continuously refine communication strategies and the RTO plan.
  • Success metrics: Implementing methods to measure the impact of communication strategies on RTO success, employee engagement, and satisfaction.
  • Sustaining engagement post-RTO: Strategies to maintain high levels of engagement and morale once the return to office is complete, ensuring the long-term wellness of your organization.
  • Nicole Neal
    Vice President, Head of Internal Communications
    Zurich North America