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The adage, “Don’t trust everything you read on the internet” has never been truer, as misinformation and disinformation grows and clickbait or “fake news” articles threaten to derail all aspects of our lives, from political to personal echo chambers, conspiracy theories and viral social media content strike the very heart of educational efforts, communications strategies, campaigns and messaging. In this panel with Karthik Krishnan, CEO of Britannica Group and Howard Mortman, Communications Director at C-SPAN, you’ll learn the important challenges and choices facing communicators as organizations strive to regain audience trust and lead their narratives—along with ways to join the fight for truth and transparency.
You’ll learn:
- Understanding consumer behavior and addressing the supply-and-demand sides of misinformation vs. valuable content
- How social media platforms and digital channels such as Google can lead to “intellectual laziness”—and ways to encourage readers to be savvy with news consumption
- What PR pros can do to fight misinformation across news and social media platforms
- How to work in ways that promote trust and transparency with your statements and commitments