Kami Spangenberg

Kami Spangenberg

Senior Vice President of Corporate Communications, Scientific Stature Services and Community Affairs

RTI International

Kami Spangenberg is senior vice president of Corporate Communications, Scientific Stature Services and Community Affairs for RTI International, a global independent nonprofit research institute. Spangenberg refers to the three areas she leads at the institute as a trifecta of amazing departments, unified in helping the institute deliver on its mission to improve the human condition by turning knowledge into practice. She has more than 35 years of communications and marketing experience and expertise in strategic communications planning, corporate branding and messaging, and issues management and crisis communications. Working with talented people united in service of a mission for global good fulfills her professionally. That and she must laugh every single day. In 2023, Spangenberg was recognized as a Top Women in Communications by Ragan Communications.   An ally for veterans, she serves as executive sponsor of the RTI Veterans and Allies (VALoR) employee resource group.