Ashini Parikh

Ashini Parikh

Executive Vice President, Digital Employee Experience


Ashini Parikh is Executive Vice President, Digital Employee Experience at Edelman, where she oversees digital employee experience and employee engagement CommsTech across the U.S. Edelman network. In her role, Parikh is responsible for advising client leadership on key themes across employee experience, culture, innovation, the future of work, employer brand, digital talent acquisition, internal communications and employee value proposition. Her recent clients include Hewlett-Packard, Cigna and PayPal. As a digital and organization transformation executive with more than 20 years of experience across consumer technology, CPG, travel, automotive, life sciences and health care, Parikh's expertise includes driving growth by improving performance and agility within organizations and across its people; building and expanding leadership capabilities at scale; creating compelling and immersive digital experiences; and facilitating innovation and design thinking workshops. Prior to joining Edelman, Parikh was a digital transformation leader for Accenture, specializing in innovation and growth, customer experience and organizational change. She has also held leadership roles at IBM, SapientRazorfish and Ketchum.

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