No Donuts Required: Engage and motivate employees with your communications instead

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It’s never easy to educate, motivate or engage employees—especially during big organizational changes and challenging quarterly results. Inboxes are full of competing priorities and those LOL cats and quizzes from BuzzFeed don’t help. Another series of dry, formal communications can tune out employees from the news they need to adapt and thrive. How do you introduce fun, engaging topics while still providing valuable content? From employee profiles and product launches to her annual fall TV preview, Susanne Frame will tell you how she’s doing it at a 105-year-old company and leading the way for employee communications teams.

Key Highlights:

  • Create content with an authentic tone, voice, style and personality
  • Sharpen the angles in your stories to make them both entertaining and informative
  • Work with your design team (even if that’s just you) to raise the look and feel of your content
  • Build relationships with your colleagues to keep a stream of story ideas coming
  • Get executives excited about fun, informal and transparent employee communication
  • Susanne Frame
    Content Strategist
    IBM Interactive Experience