New Post-Pandemic Skills for Communicators: What It Takes to Succeed Now

Job skills were shifting before the pandemic. Those changes have only accelerated in the new normal—especially for communicators, whose greatest strategic value is the ability to build, protect and promote your people, organization and reputation no matter what’s ahead. Join to discover the skills you need to become the steady hand employees need now. You’ll learn:

  • What the latest surveys reveal about a shift in critical workplace skills
  • Emotional IQ: The return of soft skills and how to lead with kindness and empathy
  • Courageous conversations: How social audio, an anxious workforce and increased isolation for remote employees reshape workplace dialogue
  • Adaptability: How to function at a high level outside of your comfort zone
  • Digital capabilities: Why and how to embrace digital disruption
  • Storytelling: How to hone our messaging skills—and empower employee voices
  • Ray Day
    Vice Chair
    The Stagwell Group
  • Kristin Graham
    Comms Leader & Facilitator
    Unlock the Brain