Media Training Your Top Executives

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Leaders of companies and organizations are busy. We know that—but we also know that cultivating media skills is a smart use of their valuable time. Excellent interviews don’t just happen; they take work. Gain insight into how to create and run an engaging media training program—and show leaders the importance of taking part in such training. You’ll participate in mock interviews that will help you prepare spokespeople for even the toughest questions.

You’ll learn how to:

  • Sell the need for regular media training for spokespeople of all backgrounds
  • Build trust so you can give direct feedback to leaders, including those with positional power
  • Make your training interactive and learner-friendly
  • Prepare spokespeople for various types of engagements—including internal events, and broadcast, digital and print interviews
  • Show the value of your training to those who think they have nothing to learn
  • Help your spokesperson gain confidence or give him/her a reality check

  • Johnna Miller
    Director of media and advocacy training
    American Farm Bureau Federation