Mastering the Message: How to Collaborate with Executives and Departments to Deliver Engaging, Informative Town Halls

Whether you’re celebrating wins, delivering bad news or addressing change within an organization, planning is the key to a Town Hall that leaves employees feeling seen, understood and motivated. In this session, we’ll explore which stakeholders need to be involved in Town Hall development, how to partner with these stakeholders to create a unified narrative, and how to organize and present information in a clear and memorable way.

  • Working with leadership: Uncover strategies to effectively collaborate with executives and cross-departmental leaders, ensuring alignment on priorities, messaging and tone.
  • Hitting the right notes: Find out how celebrating wins can keep employees inspired, and learn how to have tough conversations around layoffs, crises and organizational changes.
  • Meeting employees where they are: Learn best practices for organizing and presenting a Town Hall to maximize attention and impact for remote, hybrid and in-person workforces.
  • Infusing culture: Methods to ensure your company’s culture and values shine through during virtual town halls – no matter the subject matter.
  • Ashley Pope
    Assistant Vice President, Enterprise Communications
  • Lisa Claybon
    Vice President of Communications
    Compass Group North America & Chartwells K12