He Said/She Said: The inside scoop into the executive & speechwriter relationship

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Former President of Microsoft Entertainment Robbie Bach and his chief storyteller Justina Chen share the inner workings of their partnership that changed his leadership. Together, they’ll share how their engagement changed from executive and speechwriter to leader and advisor, how trust was built, milestone after milestone, and how their collaboration changed his leadership. Finally, they will discuss their current collaboration, The Upstart Leader: Powering Change through Strategy and Storytelling. (www.upstartleader.com)

Key Takeaways:

  • Earn respect and create trust with your leader
  • Be invited to the inner sanctum as a trusted advisor
  • Develop an executive platform that is 100% true to your leader
  • Create communications strategies that enhance your executive’s leadership
  • Collaborate on and craft speeches that ring with authenticity and passion
  • Robbie Bach
    Author and Consultant
  • Justina Chen
    Author of A Blind Spot for Boys