How do you communicate with employees who climb utility poles, work in manholes, splice cables, and do their jobs that make email and intranet communications effective? That was the challenge Con Edison, New York City’s energy company, faced — and overcame — by investing in a huge network of digital screens.
In 2014, Corporate Communications spearheaded the installation of 100 screens at 25 of Con Ed’s largest work locations to reach 91% of its employees.
In this case study, you’ll learn:
- How research identified an information gap in the majority of Con-Ed’s workforce.
- What factors and features to consider when choosing a digital screen system.
- The benefit of creating a team of communications, IT, and facilities people before starting a digital signage program.
- Why Con Ed started small before going full-scale.
- How Con Ed communicators persuaded senior management to invest in digital signage.