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The pandemic forced organizations to innovate and reach employees in new, even wonderful ways. Workplace culture became more empathy-driven, workplace wellness escalated from nice-to-have to essential—and purpose-driven storytelling brought colleagues and coworkers together at a time when the workforce was dispersed, fragmented and fearful. Hear how Pepsi made the shift to align 60,000+ employees and which changes stuck when you join this inspiring fireside to kick off the day. You’ll learn:
- How storytelling can shape and strengthen employee culture during a crisis
- Emotion matters: How simple initiatives like “Frontline Profiles,” “Raise a Bag” employee recognition efforts and Autism Awareness can capture hearts and minds
- Innovative ideas to inspire and inform staff—from Zoom Side Chats to “meetings in a box”
- How to empower employee voices to foster belonging and purpose
- Bonus: How to keep your employee culture alive across different countries