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In today’s digital-first world, social media and PR strategies shouldn’t exist in vacuums. Instead, overarching strategies, plans and campaigns that consider both reporters’ wants and readers’ desires can help you stand out from the crowd. These functions, when in lock step, can be mutually beneficial and reinforcing, too. An outstanding social media campaign can bring reporters to call you instead of requiring exhaustive pitching efforts with lower percentages of traction and coverage wins. Paige Hale, Senior Manager of Communications for Georgia Aquarium, will share lessons learned and takeaways from the nonprofit’s PR and social media teams, which work in conjunction to establish a consistent brand voice and achieve goals that include both headlines and digital engagement with audiences.
You’ll learn:
- Steps for creating holistic strategies and campaigns with your end goals firmly in sight
- How to incorporate social media strategies and digital content to communicate with key stakeholders
- Ways to create content for multiple audiences in mind, including journalists
- Tips and takeaways for grabbing and measuring media coverage and online engagement on a limited budget or without many resources