The Rise of Video Content: Secrets to Grab Attention Across Social Media Platforms

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As more audiences look for brands to show, not just tell them information and stories, video is an important trend that organizations can no longer ignore. Learn why video is so paramount to successful social media content and engagement strategies—and how you can jump in using YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and more. Anthony Quintano, Manager of Visual Storytelling for TD Bank, will reveal best practices to punching up your storytelling efforts using video, along with ways to gain buy-in, tie your efforts to business goals, and craft videos that resonate without large production resources or teams.

You’ll learn:

  • Must-know insights from video content’s growth—especially as consumer behaviors change
  • Tips, tools and hacks to creating timely and inclusive video content that can be repurposed across campaigns, departments and social media platforms
  • A video shoot list—including scrappy and resourceful ways to use just your smartphone
  • How to tell your story through video (without resorting to the corporate talking head)