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Most organizations recognize the importance of being more social and collaborative, and the connection between social and increased productivity, but to get employees on board, senior execs, HR and communications teams must establish a more trusting culture, and support open dialogue through simple, inviting tools. Whether your company is waiting out the last few months (or years) with an older platform that is not social- or mobile-ready, or you’re in the middle of an intranet migration, or you’ve unveiled your latest intranet with the bells and whistles of social collaboration, chances are the clamor for MORE and BETTER resounds. Our panel will explore the creative ways companies can use mobile, social and digital tools to enhance employee experience, regardless of where you are on the journey to a digital workplace.
Key Takeaways:
- Connect a dispersed workforce with mobile tools almost any company can use
- Bring about two-way transparent communications with Yammer, SocialCast and other tools to increase employee loyalty and trust
- Motivate employees to ‘work out loud’ to increase global collaboration
- Investigate a myriad of social tools to find the right ones for your business model, goals and budget