Get to the Point! How to coach your speakers to make points clearly and convincingly through effective public speaking techniques

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Great public speakers aren’t born; they’re trained. Leveraging his professional and competitive experience, Joel Schwartzberg, senior director of strategic and executive communications for the ASPCA, will share nuts-and-bolts techniques for becoming a more confident and competent public speaker. Attendees will have the opportunity to practice what they’ve learned and participate in skill-building exercises that connect with their expertise.

Key Highlights:

  • Identify, sharpen and effectively sell a point
  • Captivate and engage an audience
  • Use “Power Periods,” volume and pauses to enhance points
  • Walk, gesture and position one’s body to convey strength
  • Avoid weak habits like uptalk, vocal fry, and power fail
  • Interact effectively with both notes and PowerPoint presentations
  • Mitigate public speaking anxiety
  • Joel Schwartzberg
    Senior director of strategic and executive communications
    American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)