Use video as your ‘spoonful of sugar’ to power employee social media adoption

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No matter how great the internal social media tool, resource or campaign, employee adoption is crucial for success—which often presents the challenge of capturing attention long enough to properly educate and train your staff. What started out as an idea to train Nationwide’s 35,000 associates on SharePoint turned into more than 170 broadcast shows in 2017 and more than 550 shows in 2018, featuring leaders from across the organization. Chip Midnight, business consulting specialist for Nationwide, will share the takeaways behind how he helped turn what was a training challenge into a thriving studio that regularly offers features, replaces many in-person meetings, increases engagement and retention, and ultimately saves the organization thousands of dollars.

You’ll learn:

How to think like a producer when working on employee social media efforts

Ways to boost engagement through video

Tips for integrating Yammer, SharePoint and other tools to power your digital workplace efforts

The types of two-way communications and conversations that can inspire and engage viewers

How to measure success through analytics, surveys and informal feedback

  • Chip Midnight
    Business consulting specialist
    Nationwide Insurance